"Funny the way it is if you think about it; one kid walks ten miles to school, while the other's dropping out. Funny the way it is, whether right or wrong...on a soldier's last breath, his baby's being born."

My Goal

After high school there are many paths that a person can choose. While I was growing up I had a lot of ideas about what I might want to be when I grew up, but now after exploring my strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, I know that being able to be creative, interact with other people, and teach are extremely important to me, which is why I have chosen to become a high school dramatic arts and English teacher. Having some experience teaching young children through the Big Brother/Big Sister Program I participate in, I find that seeing progress and the process of learning extremely rewarding. I cannot wait to start seeing it in not just one individual, but many, when I become a teacher.

My Plan

When planning to become a teacher, education is extremely important. Being able to mature the minds you're honing must be accomplished to the best of a teacher's ability so that the student has the best experience possible. Attending the University of Michigan has always been a dream of mine. If you visit the My Education page on this website, there is a powerpoint presentation I have constructed on the University and some of it's features. 
To receive degrees in education and in dramatic arts will be a little costly, but with hard work and savings that have piled up over the years, I'll be able to pay off my college education with no serious problems. Above is a presentation I have put together, taking you through the day in a life of a teacher. The presentation outlines a teacher's day hour by hour, and uses a real-live teacher as an example.